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Address UX and Performance Concerns with
a Precision Website Audit

Whether you seek assurance of optimal performance, scalability for upgrades, or the early detection of security vulnerabilities, our code audit empowers you to move forward confidently.
Let’s Talk

Why Conduct a Code Audit?

Webelocity Is Your Trusted Local Software Partner

You might be wondering what precisely a software code audit is. In simple terms, it's a thorough examination of project code aimed at delivering a comprehensive report on software quality and transparency.

Connect with Our Experts

Code Audit Process

This process frequently unveils bugs and potential security vulnerabilities. It can also shed light on whether your infrastructure and technologies align with your product objectives or if a third-party solution you're considering is compatible with your current software.

Our Source Code Audits
Cover Key Aspects


Code issues can compound as your software evolves. We evaluate your current test coverage and suggest improvements for smoother development.


With the increasing threat of hacking, security lapses can alienate customers. We detect vulnerabilities and guide you on best practices.


Hidden inefficiencies can hinder scaling efforts. Our audit unveils problems, providing time for strategic decision-making.


As code and third-party components evolve, we assess the readiness for transformation and recommend refactoring.


Compliance is crucial, enabling you to stay ahead; we identify the necessary steps for your industry or competitive edge.


Our audit ensures software scalability, highlighting areas to optimize for seamless expansion as user demands grow. Build a sturdy foundation with us.

Our Approach


Decades of collective experience empower us to tackle even the most complex challenges effectively.


Decades of collective experience empower us to tackle even the most complex challenges effectively.

User Experience

Decades of collective experience empower us to tackle even the most complex challenges effectively.


Decades of collective experience empower us to tackle even the most complex challenges effectively.


Decades of collective experience empower us to tackle even the most complex challenges effectively.

User Experience

Decades of collective experience empower us to tackle even the most complex challenges effectively.


Decades of collective experience empower us to tackle even the most complex challenges effectively.


Decades of collective experience empower us to tackle even the most complex challenges effectively.

User Experience

Decades of collective experience empower us to tackle even the most complex challenges effectively.

Ready to Get Things Right?

Ready to take action? Let's discuss your website's performance and challenges so we can work together to optimize and enhance your online presence.

Let’s Talk